Major Requirements

  • Two Engineering Science courses: ES 101 and ES 225.
  • Fourteen required courses from the fields of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science. These courses are ECE 211, 212, 313, 221, 322, 323, 331, 332, 433, 341, 445; CS 102, 103, 205.
  • Three elective courses from the fields of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science. The ECE choices include ECE 390-399, 414-417, 425-427, 434-438, 442-444, 450, and 451, or two from the previous list and one approved course in Computer Science.
  • A two-course senior design laboratory sequence, 491 and 492.
  • English 110, a First-Year Seminar, and four courses chosen from an approved list of humanities and social sciences (see
  • Five courses in mathematics including MATH 182, 161, 162, 263, and 264. Two physics courses: PHY 131 and 132 (or PHY 151 and 152). Two courses in chemistry: CHEM 121, and either CHEM 122 or 231.
  • Two free electives.

Typical Schedule

Fall Semester Spring Semester
Math 161: Calculus I Math 162: Calculus II
Chem121: General Chemistry I Chem 122: General Chemistry II or
ES 231: Nature of Engineering Materials
ES101: Introduction to Engineering Physics 131: Physics I: Mechanics
First-Year Seminar CS102: Principles of Computer Science IorEnglish110: College Writing orHumanities/Social Science Elective1
Math 263: Calculus III Math 264: Differential Equations
English 110: College Writing orCS 102: Principles of Computer Science Ior

Humanities/Social Science Elective1

ECE 221 Basic Electric Circuit Analysis
ECE 211: Digital Circuits I ECE 212 Digital Circuits II
Physics 132: Electricity and Magnetism Math 182: Discrete Structures
Humanities/Social Science Elective1 Humanities/Social Science Elective1
CS 103: Principles of Computer Science II ECE341 Engineering Electromagnetics
ECE 313: Computer Organization ES 225: Engineering Professionalism and Ethics
ECE 322: Introduction to Solid State Devices and Circuits CS 205: Software Engineering
ECE 331 Signals and Systems ECE 323: Analysis and Design of Solid State Circuits
Humanities/Social Science Elective1 ECE 332: Communications Systems
ECE 491 Senior Project ECE 492: Electrical Engineering Design Laboratory II
ECE 433: Industrial Electronics and Control Systems ECE Elective
ECE 445: Physics of Semiconductor Devices ECE/CS Elective
ECE Elective Humanities/Social Science Elective1
Free Elective Free Elective
