The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering provides fundamental courses in the broad areas of circuits and electronics, computer software, computer hardware and networking, signals and systems, and applied physics.
In addition, student interests may be pursued through a wide range of related courses including advanced analog and digital circuit design, computer algorithms and implementations, very large scale integrated circuits, speech and image signal processing, biomedical instrumentation and control, optical fiber and microwave communications, and optical engineering.
Visit the Course Catalog for the official course description and listing
This course introduces the analysis and design of digital circuits. Topics include: combinational circuit analysis and design, number representations and codes, addition circuits, analysis and design of synchronous circuits, programmable logic array, programmable array logic and field-programmable gate array (FPGA). The course includes a design project using an FPGA. Lecture/discussion/laboratory.
This course covers the design of digital systems using a microcontroller, and field programmable gate array. Topics include: register transfers; special-purpose computer architecture; microcontroller architecture, instructions, and interfacing; assembly language programming; C programming. Lecture/discussion/laboratory.
Prerequisite: ECE 211
Introduces students to concepts, ideas, and techniques that are fundamental to the analysis of linear electrical circuit models. Circuit analysis techniques are derived from Kirchhoff’s Laws and topics covered include DC circuits, AC circuits, RC/RL circuits, operational amplifier circuits, and AC power calculations. Laboratory exercises reinforce theories presented in lectures. Lecture/laboratory.
Prerequisite: Mathematics 162
The features of a digital computer are examined at various levels. Topics include: CPU architecture and instruction sets (machine level), the microprogramming level, virtual memory (operating system level), the assembly language level. Lecture/discussion.
Prerequisite: ECE 211
The course begins with discussion of semiconductor devices to obtain their volt-ampere behavior. First order models for the devices are developed and used to analyze both analog and digital circuits. The use of computer-aided design programs is presented. Required of junior electrical engineering students. Lecture/discussion/laboratory.
Prerequisite: ECE 221; and pre/corequisite: Mathematics 264 Corequisite: ECE 331
The course continues to develop the topics introduced in ECE 322 with emphasis placed on more complex circuits used in analog and digital applications. Extensive use is made of simulation programs as an aid in the design process. Required of junior electrical engineering students. Lecture/discussion/ laboratory.
Prerequisite: ECE 322
Fourier, Laplace, and Z-transforms are developed and applied to the analysis of electrical circuits. Transient and frequency characteristics of transfunctions are discussed. Required of junior electrical engineering students. Lecture/ discussion.
Prerequisite: ECE 221 and pre/corequisite: Mathematics 264
This course is devoted to a study of systems used to transmit information. Continuous (Analog) and Discrete (Digital) Systems, and the principles of frequency division and time division multiplexing are treated. The effect of noise on the various systems is investigated. Required of junior electrical engineering students. Lecture/discussion.
Prerequisite: ECE 331
Maxwell’s Equations in integral and differential forms are introduced to describe the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a variety of media. Necessary vector integration and differentiation techniques are developed. Required of junior electrical and computer engineering majors. Lecture.
Prerequisite: Mathematics 264; Physics 133
An opportunity for selected students to undertake independent study or research projects during the senior year. Each student is required to submit work or demonstrate a project embodying the results of the study or research. The proposal for this work is submitted to a faculty adviser and is also submitted to the department head for approval. This work may be substituted for certain technical courses normally required.
Hours by arrangement.
These courses consider recent advances and/or subjects of current interest to students and members of the staff. The special topic for a given semester will be announced prior to registration.
Prerequisite: Senior standing in electrical engineering.
This course covers the design of a stand-alone digital system using an embedded microcontroller. Both software and hardware are covered. Additional topics include: microcontroller architectures; hardware interfacing; mixed language programming; interrupts; real-time operating system.
Prerequisite: ECE 212
This course introduces algorithms and computing circuits which are applicable to performing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The design trade-offs, encountered in the development of an Arithmetic Logic Unit for a digital computer, are considered. Both fixed-point and floating-point arithmetic are covered. Lecture/discussion.
Prerequisite: ECE 212
This course covers the design of electronic integrated circuits and subsystems for use in optical, wireless, and wired communication systems. Topics include analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion, anti-alias, and reconstruction filter design, clock and data recovery using Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) based systems. An IC design project is an integral part of the course.
Prerequisite: ECE 323, ECE 332
Introduces the design of Very Large Scale Integrated circuits, with emphasis on digital CMOS design. Topics include MOS transistor theory, basic IC processing, static and dynamic CMOS, VLSI system organization, and CAD tools for design and simulation. Students design projects to be fabricated and returned the following semester. Lecture/ discussion/laboratory.
Prerequisite: ECE 322
Devices and interface electronics used to sense quantities such as light, temperature, and motion are discussed. A general overview of sensor performance characterization is presented and mathematical modeling techniques are developed, leading to interface electronics topologies and application specific sensor applications.
Prerequisite: ECE 322, ECE 331
Feedback control systems are studied in both the frequency and time domain. Topics include detailed system modeling, stability and error analysis, design to meet specifications, and discussion of system integration in a manufacturing environment. Lecture/discussion/ laboratory.
Prerequisite: ECE 331
This course covers discrete Fourier transforms (DFT and FFT), the sampling theorem and its consequences, Z transforms theory, recursive digital systems, and digital filter design. Lab involves implementation of digital signal processing algorithms in real time using DSP hardware. Lecture/laboratory.
Prerequisite: ECE 331, ECE 212
Introduces interactive information systems utilizing sight and sound. Speech processing, recognition, synthesis, and coding, as well as image understanding and compression technologies, are discussed. Acquaints students with speech production, extraction of recognizable phonic features, recognition of speech templates, edge detection, and image understanding. Lecture.
Prerequisite: ECE 331
This course introduces computer communications and data networks. The course includes background material in probability and queuing theory, a description of all seven OSI (Open Systems Interconnections) layers with protocols, applications of data networks, and a brief introduction of ISDN technology. Students will animate and evaluate the performance of hypothetical topologies of communications networks. Lecture. Not open to students having taken Computer Science 403.
Prerequisite: ECE 331
This course introduces the use of engineering techniques to simulate and analyze biomedical systems and applications in medicine. Major physiologic functions, such as nerve action potentials, skeletal muscle contraction, human vision system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, endocrine system, kidney, and prosthetic devices, are modeled by electrical circuits or differential equations and simulated using computer software.
Prerequisite: Math 264; Physics 131; ECE 331 or permission of instructor. Not open to students who have taken ME 489.
This course presents a quantitative analysis of both bipolar and field effect transistors. The device equations are developed from fundamental physical processes such as carrier densities, transport processes, and generation-recombination mechanisms. Required of senior Electrical and Computer Engineering majors. Lecture.
Prerequisite: ECE 341, ECE 322
Analysis and design of modern microwave systems such as satellite and cellular communications and radar. Devices, circuits, and subsystems are presented with an emphasis on theory of operation and impact on overall performance. Application of technologies to the current microwave communications industry is covered. Students complete a design project using modern microwave CAD software (Ansoft Serenade or Agilent Advanced Design System and Sonnet) and theory presented in class.
Prerequisite: ECE 341
This course deals with the elements of the transmission and distribution of electrical power. Starting with transmission lines, the course will develop the general representation of power systems. Load flow studies and the economic operation of power systems are treated. Finally, symmetrical components, transients and system stability are considered. Lecture/discussion.
Prerequisite: ECE 331
This course uses a data network to introduce students to team project work. Course topics include computer networks from the physical layer to communication protocols. A representative network is designed and realized in the laboratory. Students work in teams, and different teams design sub-systems of the network. Lecture/laboratory.
Prerequisite: Senior standing in Electrical and Computer Engineering
In this course individual or team design projects are completed. The course includes both laboratory and library work. Initial proposals, progress reports, and final design documents are required. Projects can cover the entire spectrum of activities within electrical engineering. Laboratory.
Prerequisite: ECE 491
This program is designed in accordance with the honors program of the College. Enrollment is limited to seniors. These courses may not be used for electrical and computer engineering or computer science credits.